Monday, October 12, 2009

Yaaaay quote!!!!

"I write for the same reason I breathe -- because if I didn't, I would die." - Isaac Asimov -

Oh. My. Gosh! Does this guy know what he's talking about or what!? I never knew that anyone shared my opinion or understood! My parents think I'm crazy because I "got sick" when they wouldn't let me write! I showed this quote to my mom and said "Ha! now you see. i'm not crazy. just another writer!"

this is going to be the quote of my life from now on. i love it. can't get enough of it. i'm gonna have to do some research on this Asimov guy...woah, he died the same year i was born ;)

Have a piece of chocolate, read a good book.
Ali out (and reading!) :D

Monday, October 5, 2009

Random quote because i felt like it...yay!

What is truly Original in this world anymore except yourself? Therefore, preserve that self, so that you may find you again at some later date, buried under piles of copies.

Yeah i made it up all on my own...plz don't laugh. it's kinda deep, and i believe it's true anyways...'s too late to concentrate on anything else. contemplate, reflect, get back to me if you want (that is, if anyone is actually reading this) good night.

ali out -.-